
Check out her Video Interview below:

How do you decide on where to stay? 

Deciding where to stay can be challenging. Being female and on your own you have to bump safety a little higher up the priority list than say if you were with a group of people. When in a pinch I'm a big fan of Cracker Barrel parking lots, they are super RV friendly and most of them have 24/7 surveillance. There are definitely moments when I ask myself, is this a safe place to sleep.. I rely on my gut feeling when these moments arise. If it doesn't feel safe, trust your gut and move on, it's not worth it.

What are some common items savvy travelers bring with them (that less-savvy travelers don't)?

I love my Luci Solar Lights! They're compact and last for hours, they also make great ambience lights! I will even throw one in my bag when hiking or biking. Turkish Towels are a real space saver and good for the environment too!

How do you get work everywhere?/ How do you have an income?

I've owned my own company for going on 8 years, I always knew there was a freedom associated with working for yourself, but I wanted to take it to the next level. I keep east coast hours and work a steady M-F. This was a big factor when deciding to go on the road, I needed to make sure I could keep running my business, be available to my clients and have access to WiFi, so far it's worked out great! I use a Verizon jetpack for WiFi, If I'm camping out somewhere without cell signal, I'll throw my laptop in the truck and head into town to work from a local coffee shop. Working during the day, results in a lot of night towing since I like to leave my weekends open for exploring. So planning out my route, fuel stops, where to sleep etc ahead of time can be helpful to avoid being in a sticky situation alone at night in the middle of no where..

How did your friends & family feel/ react when you told them you were going to travel full time?

I remember taking my Dad out for a beer to tell him my plans, It was really important to me that he was onboard with this idea. I not only wanted his approval but also I knew I would need a lot of his mechanical knowledge and advice in the months to come. Thankfully he was 110% onboard from the very beginning, and honestly has been my rock through many of the hard times. I'm lucky to have well traveled friends, that were all excited for me, and immediately started talking about meeting up with me on the road!

What inspired you to hit the road?

My inspiration for hitting the road really comes from my love for travel and adventure. When I was a kid I would go play in the woods behind my parents house, one day I stumbled upon a junkyard, and to my 8 year old self this was pure treasure! That amazing feeling you have when you're a kid and you discover something new, an adventure, it tends to fade as you get older, there is less 'new' in your life. Traveling sparks that feeling inside me, I love it, I'm addicted and can't get enough!!

Why an Airstream?

Because they're so cool! AND I wanted to set myself up for success. Besides loving the iconic look of them, when I took a tour of the factory in Jackson Center, OH the craftsmanship is what blew me away. Once I stepped foot inside one, I knew there was no other rig for me!

How is dating on the road?

I get asked about this a lot! Dating definitely looks a little different to me now than when I lived in NYC.. Like climbing a mountain together, deep sea fishing or mountain biking dates versus dinner and drinks at some hot new restaurant. For me, I've always looked at it as a way to thin out the heard. If a guy feels threatened or intimidated by my lifestyle, then we probably wouldn't have worked out anyways. Some guys are immediately guarded and are all "You're just going to Airstream right out of my life".. When in truth there isn't a job or a commitment forcing me to my next destination, it's all up to me when I leave, how long I stay, if I come back etc. Then there are the guys who don't really have their own lives or dreams figured out just yet, and they want to latch on to what I'm doing. The men that its worked with have their shit together, they're a whole, they have their own dreams and have encouraged me to do what I love, and it just works...they meet up with me on the road, and we get to share some amazing experiences together. It does take a little more planning and stronger communication to get it off the ground (which can be challenging early on in any relationship) but this is my life, and if you like me then this is what comes with it. I don't see it as baggage, I see it as you can join me, be a part of this journey and lets go do some cool shit together!

How do you get around tour companies or accommodation that try to charge you extra if you're a solo traveler?

I've only run into this a few times. I was camped out for a month inTexas solo, and had paid a double occupancy rate (most don't offer a discount for a solo traveler). The guy I was dating came to visit me for a week, and they wanted to charge me $5 a day for him to stay in my Airstream. After a few "friendly" rounds of debating what their lingo on their website actually implied, they agreed to wave the fee. If the campground wasn't so insanely overpriced to begin with, I wouldn't have minded paying the extra cost. Needless to say I haven't been back to their franchise since.

How do you deal with loneliness? if you experience any at all.

This is a great question! I feel like this topic rarely comes up, when it should! I know a lot of RVers that this has been the breaking point for them, loneliness is the reason they no longer RV, or they RV less often to avoid it. I definitely have gotten lonely, like really lonely a few times. I think more so in the beginning when I was still transitioning to the lifestyle. I now plan my trips a little better around meeting up with friends/family friends of friends etc. But you definitely have a lot of alone time with your own thoughts, which can be really good! I've done a lot of journaling and a lot of books on tape. I am grateful to my closest friends who always answer my calls :-) I make it a point to be outside as much as I can, this enhances my mood exponentially! If I can't get a run or bike ride in before/after work, I'll take a walk around wherever I'm camped out at on my lunch break, it helps to break up the day and getting fresh air is always a plus!

Do you feel awkward doing certain activities alone? How did you adjust to this?

Sometimes I feel awkward, but not so much anymore. I've traveled a lot solo and you just get over it. It's like I can stay in and remain inside your comfort zone but then you miss out on exploring a cool city or a new restaurant etc. But I will say that when friends or family have come to visit, I value their company SO much more now. I've also found that when you go out by yourself you end up meeting more people than if you went out with a group of friends.