
1. Who are you? How old are you? Do you travel completely alone... if not who do you travel with? 

I'm Jessy, a 35 year old solo traveler!

2. How long have you been living full time in a Mobile-Home (camper-van, RV, etc) 

6 months

3. What the best thing about being female and on the road?

I think the best thing about being female on the road is showing other women they can do it too! I love to see the surprised looks on people's faces when they see me hopping out of my rig or crawling out from underneath it after fixing something.

4. Conversely what is the worst thing about being female and on the road?

The worst thing is feeling like there is an extra threat to my safety at times. I have never been more aware of my gender. I am regularly taking into consideration that I may be seen as prey because I am female, alone and in an unfamiliar place. I refuse to live in fear and I remind myself that the chances of me encountering someone out to do me harm is low. I play it safe, do what any solo traveler should do and take preventative measures. At the end of the day, I choose to believe the best in people.

5. How do you decide on where to stay?

When I'm driving from point A to B, I usually stay at Walmart's, Cracker Barrel's or truck stops. If I have more time to explore and want to set up camp somewhere, I primarily use freecampsites.net to find free campgrounds. I also receive a lot of great tips on spot from other travelers. In the 6 months I've been on the road, I have only paid $20 to stay 4 nights somewhere. Other than that, every place has been free!

6. What is the most surreal places that you visited?

Driving my rig on South Padre Island in Texas and camping on the beach over New Years was pretty surreal! I also loved White Sands National Monument. In the Big Bend area, the sky has never looked so huge and beautiful. I guess most places I go seem pretty surreal. When you slow down and really take it in, we live in a pretty surreal world, don't we?

7. What are some common items savvy travelers bring with them (that less-savvy travelers don't)/ what could you not live in a mobile-home without?

My collapsible bucket has proven very useful. Having a tool bag full of tools is a must. Don't leave home without it.

8. How do you get work everywhere? / How do you have an income?

My income is very spotty and I'm slowly trying to figure out how to financially sustain life on the road. So far I've done a courier service on my motorcycle, became a waitress in a ghost town and picked up some work doing in store demos for natural and organic brands. Also, I started a vintage clothing store, Freedom to Roam, where I sell vintage clothes that I find in thrift stores as I travel the US.

10. How did your friends & family feel/ react when you told them you were going to travel full time?

My family got on board pretty quick. My Mom was a little more hesitant but she came around eventually. I think everyone could see my excitement and determination about it and knew there was nothing they could do to change my mind, so may as well embrace it!

11. What inspired you to hit the road? 

I took my first solo trip to Colorado and spent my days hiking and exploring. I had never been happier and thought, why can't I make this my life? I didn't exactly know how that would look, but a seed was planted that week. It grew into buying a vintage RV, renovating it, selling everything and hitting the road!

12. Is solo travel dangerous as a female?

I hate that it does feel a little more dangerous doing this as a female. I'm working on getting over that feeling. Unfortunately, women have been being taking advantage of, disempowered and hurt for as long as anyone can remember. That knowledge and those experiences can translate into feeling more vulnerable to being harmed if we are living a life that pushes boundaries or isn't accepted as the norm. But no one was meant to live their life with their head down and confined to a box. The more women that are out there doing what makes them happy and not letting fear dictate their life, is one step closer to taking our power back. I think safety is a feeling that comes after doing something new for a long period of time without anything bad happening. I believe over time, I will feel less on guard and safer traveling as a solo female. We should just focus on controlling what we can by taking the proper precautions. Install a motion activated light by your front door, get some pepper spray and an air horn. Then hit the road and live your life!

13. How do you get around tour companies or accommodation that try to charge you extra if you're a solo traveler?

I don't have the need for tour companies or accommodations. I have everything I need to explore! I carry a motorcycle with me to get to areas my rig can't get to, so I'm pretty self-sufficient!

14. How do you deal with loneliness? If you experience any at all.

I am an introvert so I don't often feel lonely. In fact, I have been more social and engaged with people since I started living on the road and find myself yearning for more alone time. Even though I require more time than some to recharge, I am really enjoying meeting so many like-minded people. It is very refreshing!

15. Do you feel awkward doing certain activities alone? How did you adjust to this? Do you have tips for women who want to branch out and travel alone?

I don't feel awkward doing activities by myself. I love the freedom! I can do anything I want, for as long as I want, whenever I want. I still share special moments with family and friends through photos and talking on the phone. Let's face it, in this day and age, you are never really alone. You can enjoy the freedom and independence of traveling alone and bring your loved ones with you through the magic of the internet.